5th Annual Bereaved Mothers’ Conference

BRAVE Hope 2024

Two-Day Experience

Saturday & Sunday, May 4 & 5

Join us Saturday, May 4 at Fox River Christian Church in Waukesha, WI to spend the day with fellow loss moms and supporters, honoring your child, while honoring your life. Hear amazing stories of BRAVE hope from amazing speakers and and learn therapeutic modalities from wellness facilitators to help support your heart, mind, body, and soul. Food & drink provided.

Reunite on Sunday, May 5 for a delicious, professionally-catered Bereaved Mother’s Day Brunch! Enjoy some extra time hearing from additional speakers, experience a sound bath, and engage in hands-on creative keepsake-making activities as you grow deeper in heartfelt conversation, connection, and community at the stunning Terrace 167 in Richfield, WI.