BRAVE Guidance
As another year comes to a close, we find ourselves standing at a threshold—a place where reflection meets renewal. It’s the perfect moment to pause, take stock, and intentionally release the things we no longer need to carry into 2025.
Grief has a way of making life feel heavy, but even in our darkest moments, we can find reminders of hope, love, and perseverance. Visual affirmations can serve as gentle nudges to keep moving forward, even when it feels impossible.
When isolating and hiding yourself from the world seems like the best solution, yet you choose to come out into the light and BE in community, this is BRAVE.
Heal·ing /ˈhēliNG/ - Noun - the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again: "the gift of healing. Adjective - tending to heal; therapeutic: "a healing experience" This reminded me of when I first lost my daughter, Ari, and went back to teach at the dance studio only 10 days later.