BRAVE Community
BRAVE Community.
When isolating and hiding yourself from the world seems like the best solution, yet you choose to come out into the light and BE in community, this is BRAVE. Experiencing the death of a loved one already steals so much, and community as we once knew it can be one such loss. We didn’t get to choose what happened, but we do get to choose how we move forward. And community can be so crucial in the grieving and healing process!

Being in community, one which shares a common pain, can have such a significant impact on your mental health and overall well-being. And with May being Mental Health Awareness Month, I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to host the 4th Annual Bereaved Mother's Day Conference - A Healing Collective 2023, spending an entire day with truly amazing and BRAVE mamas, in community of support, love, and encouragement.
Community can be such a beautiful and powerful source of healing. And the proof of this was and is truly evident at all of our workshops and gatherings. And the conference was no exception.
Community can provide social support and promotes social wellness. Being surrounded by others who can truly understand helps to validate the feelings we experience, which can be especially important when we feel alone and isolated.
Community can also be a source of shared experiences. Connecting and grasping a sense of belonging with others who have gone through similar struggles can help us feel better and more understood.
Community can help hold us accountable. Being surrounded by others walking a similar path can help us refocus and recommit to our goals when we feel we have lost our way. It also reminds us that we can persevere through any challenges we may face. When others openly share their vulnerabilities within their struggles and hardships, yet are still standing, we can find motivation and inspiration to get back up, too.
Community can also be a place of learning and growth. It can provide a safe space to see and hear different perspectives and insights through sharing life experiences, tips, and tools that we may not have otherwise had access to. There is so much power in knowledge and can help ease the grieving process when we know what we are navigating.
Community can help sustain our resilience and strength. It can help us be an overcomer. Whether through online or in-person peer support groups, faith and church communities, or even a group of friends, it's important to have a supportive network to help us navigate life’s challenges.

Sometimes what is experienced in community is so hard to put into words. And sometimes pictures don’t always do it justice either. The transformational healing power found in community is real. The choice to show up for yourself and for others to be a part of a community, something bigger than your pain, is BRAVE.
Find your people.
Get together. Do life together. Grieve and heal together.
Together, we are BRAVE!